Support Us
We need your help! Making theatre ain’t easy… or cheap.
We are a small team of four who make theatre, run workshops, provide training, mentorship & paid internship opportunities. We aim to remove geographical and financial barriers so that our work reaches audiences all over the country – in schools, theatres, libraries, community centres and festival settings.
One of our top priorities is that we always pay our artists. However, ticket sales make up only 25% of our revenue. If we relied solely on tickets sales to support the company, every seat would cost upwards of £100. To ensure our work remains as financially accessible as possible, we seek support from the Arts Council of England, and other small subsidising bodies, but we also need your help.
And so we are calling for donations.
Where’s your donation going?
Actors – Designers – Writers – Prop Builders –
Costume Makers – Set Materials – Lights & Sound –
Paint – Laundry – Transport – and on and on and on it goes…
Will you help out?
From £10 – £10,000 it all helps.
Want to sponsor an emerging artist? A performance? A schools tour? A season?
Email our Producer, Shaelee Rooke at
You can also make a secure donation via Paypal.
Or send a cheque to:
Roustabout Theatre Ltd
59 Conway Rd,
Bristol, BS6 6TA
Thank you for your help and support! We can’t wait to see you at our next show.
Also, to keep up to date with our latest news including upcoming productions, trailer releases, competitions and more, sign up for our monthly newsletter below ↓
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